Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Is Preaching Your Calling There are certain evidences that provide proof of whether you should fill a pulpit.
Weep Not for Me Our Past Masters column in the January-February issue of Preaching is on C.A.W. Clark. Here is a message (audio only) from this powerful preacher with the title "Weep Not for Me."
3 Steps to Dealing with Conflict No one likes conflict, but it's inevitable. So, we must find the most effective means of handling conflict.
The Trend Toward Decentralization Your local church is likely to be comprised of several local, as well as remote, campuses these days.
Creation and Creativity Tim Keller talks about the joy of entrepreneurship in this brief talk to a gathering of Christian business leaders.
3 Reasons to Plan Your Preaching What are the top three advantages to planning ahead for preaching?
3 Reasons People Start Coming to Church If you didn't grow up in church, what's the primary reason you started attending?
And Finally What a Croc A displaced crocodile made itself at home in a Florida swimming pool.