The Worst Passwords

Despite hearing about online security and Internet safety, some folks still don't work hard to come up with effective login information.

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen

We face numerous challenges and difficulties during our lives, and we often want to know where God is during those times. Does God care, and if He's all-powerful, why does He allows bad things to happen?

Engaging Culture

The November-December issue of Preaching will include an interview with Ed Stetzer on preaching in a shifting culture. Here's a message Ed preached on the topic of engaging culture.

4 Key Truths About Vision

You don't necessarily need a snappy PR firm to help you with a mission statement, but you do need follow-through on the things you feel led to do in your ministry.

The Book of Ax

While accurate in some occasions, wouldn't it be more effective to preach from God's book of mercy and grace?