Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
4 Reasons to Add Media to Your Website Matt Morris There are must-have benefits to adding technology to your church's website that will help your church thrive.
Preacher to Preachers Everyone Is Bruce Jenner Leslie Holmes Everyone has some area of sin he or she deals with, sometimes in a chronic manner.
The Preaching 30 30 Who Have Most Influenced Preaching for the Past 30 Years Michael Duduit Anyone who has preached has influenced this method of communicating God's Word, but here are 30 who've excelled in various ways.
Preaching to the Culture An Interview with Robert Jeffress Michael Duduit Preachers are wise to keep an eye on current events and proclaim God's Word from their pulpits.
Preach the Text Scott M. Gibson Here's a warning about getting sidetracked in your preaching. It's perfectly OK to stick to the text.
Expositor’s Corner The Importance of the Church Tony Evans Though subordinate to Christ, we have been charged by Him to continue His work and do great things.
Back Page Pulpit Thanks for the Memories and the Future Looking back at 30 years gives us hope to anticipate a successful future.
Oct. 4, 2015, What God Wants for Your Family Gregory K. Hollifield Proper 22 (19th Sunday After Pentecost); Mark 10:1-16
William Willimon on the Messiness of Ministry William Willimon talks about the messiness of ministry.