Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Do You Trust Enough to Fail? Are you willing to trust God with your ministry and take a few risks for the sake of His kingdom?
‘Attorney’ Arrested for Playing Pretend Her aspirations got ahead of obtaining a degree...and a license.
I Don’t Know What to Do If you are unsure of your next move, ask the Lord for direction.
Charlie Dates Interview HB Charles and Charlie Dates spoke at the 2015 National Conference on Preaching. Here is an interview HB did with Charlie last year.
Is God Your Buddy? Michael Duduit Some church leaders are concerned people are becoming too chummy with the Sovereign.
Before You Build Just as God went about forming creation in an orderly way, so should you approach building projects.
The Dangerous Act of Preaching Michael Quicke's theme was "The Dangerous Act of Preaching" when he presented the 2014 John A. Broadus Lectures on Preaching at Anderson University ( Watch the first of the lectures here.
When Ministry Hits a Dead-End Michael Duduit Your dead-end situation is just the beginning of where God will work on your behalf.
Don’t Put Old Folks Out to Pasture Patricia Anne Otwell Despite age, people's ability to serve the Lord does not expire.