Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Preparing and Presenting Children’s Sermons Carolyn Tomlin Never underestimate the impact of a children's sermon, but be sure to plan well for it.
Raymond Meets Proverbs 31: Preaching on Mother’s Day Will Thomas Be sure to honor all mothers, loving them as Christ loved the church.
Preaching Points: The Tone of Preaching Hershael York We all know words are important, but how we use those words, our tone and delivery, perhaps carries the greater weight.
Back Page Pulpit: I’d Throw My Hat in the Ring, but I’m Afraid I Wouldn’t Get it Back Michael Duduit Preaching and politics tend not to inhabit the same pulpit, but perhaps there are lessons to be learned here.
Tech Trendz: The Nuts and Bolts of Crowdfunding Matt Morris Online technology to fund real-life ministry projects could work for your church and outreach efforts, too.
From the Pulpit to the Culture Albert Mohler Preachers and pastors should be speaking to influence culture for the kingdom rather than trying to get churches to assimilate.
Preacher to Preachers: You Can Go Home Again! Leslie Holmes Home usually carries a warm connotation, and the good news is you can go home again and again.
The Battle for Health & Weight Loss: Ministry’s Elephant in the Room Nelson Searcy How to Stop Sacrificing Your Health & Start Reclaiming Your Vitality as a Healthy Renegade Pastor
Expositor’s Corner: Feeding God’s Flock Tony Evans Preachers and pastors first must look to the Word of God in preparation for addressing their congregations.
The Essence of God’s Presence In less than 12 minutes, Lloyd John Ogilvie beautifully lays out and illumines five perspective-altering dimensions of God's blessings: 1) God goes before to show us the way. 2: He goes behind to...Watch the video.