Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Tech Trends: Church and Technology Matt Morris Technology offers ways to make connecting easier for your church membership.
Expositor’s Corner: Secrets to a Happy Home Tony Evans Wise choices leave a great legacy for your family.
And Finally: Here’s a Tip This couple is the type of customers hard-working servers dream of meeting.
Politically Correct Twelve Days of C*****mas Political correctness has infiltrated Christmas...but we can point and laugh back at its illogical premise.
Back to Bethlehem: Christianity Goes Home Some scholars argue Christianity is returning to its roots.
Under the Shadow of Thy Wings: John Donne on Our Transmigration to Heaven Michael A. Milton Reading a wide variety of preachers, teachers and literary figures will lead you to the desire to live and die well, case in point: Donne.
Visit Rev. Greg Brawn Learn a more efficient way to preach on this new website.
A Real War on Christians This Advent and Christmas, consider the plight of Christians in parts of the world where threats are the greatest.
And Finally: Oh, Baby! What’s Your Name? Culture is being reflected in the question, "What shall we name the baby?"