Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Why Worldview Matters Worldview matters when it comes to how to handle any matter, including medical issues, social justice issues, itself.
Here’s to You, Dr. Robinson A special note of thanks to Dr. Charles Haddon Robinson for his influence on preachers and preaching.
7 Myths that Keep Pastors from Writing Carolyn Tomlin While many may look for excuses, there really is no reason for not writing if you've been granted the skill set to do so.
Preaching and Prayer: An Interview with Max Lucado Michael Duduit Most would think Max Lucaod to be a prayer giant, but he confesses up front in his new book that even he needs help conversing with the Almighty.
Preaching the Unseen World: An Interview with Jack Graham Michael Duduit Jack Graham talks about ministry, invisible forces and the power of the gospel.
A Call for National Repentance Tony Evans If we would turn to God in repentance and seek His face, He would bless and protect us, our lives and our country.
The Preacher’s Guide to the Best in Bibles and Bible Reference for 2014 Ray Van Neste What have been the theological and academic publisher highlights of 2013? Keep reading here to learn more.
Preacher to Preachers: The Perfect Forgetter Leslie Holmes Sometimes forgetting is the best strategy.