Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Curbing Interpulpit Criticism Dillon T. Thornton Criticism of those in other pulpits should be reserved for only those times and circumstances that are appropriate.
Past Masters: Charles Silvester Horne: The Romance of Preaching Phillip Dunn Horne asked listeners, fellow preachers, to preach faithfully until the times of their deaths.
‘Keep Yourselves in the Love of Christ’: Preaching in Jude Along with other books of the Bible, Jude usually is among the "clean, white pages" that are not studied and preached enough.
Destressing Your Sermon Prep Joe Buchanan Like anyone in any profession, a preacher who plans ahead will enjoy reduced stress in the pulpit.
Keeping the Peace by Guarding Your Speech Chris Smith Since the beginning of human language and communication, we've known the power of words to hurt or heal. How will you choose to communicate?
And Finally: Reigning Excess? Fathers will do a lot for their daughters, but this dad went to an extreme for his little princess.
Building the Big Idea Learning to make a solid, profound point rather than circling several good points will help your sermon make a greater impact.
And Finally: Not a Classical Cat Would you think of serenading predatory wildlife if you were being stalked?