Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Repentance to Restoration Is Uniquely Christian A post-apartheid story is the story of a transformed sinner.
And Finally: What’s in a (Moose’s) Name? The naming of moose has become a popular activitiy in Norway.
20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity Besides providing insanity, these methods provide levity. Enjoy!
Illumination No Substitute for Study Illumination is a wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, but it often comes following study, not in lieu of study.
The Resounding Question of ‘Why?’ "Why?" is a common question that befalls us when circumstances seem to have soured.
Ipcha Mistabra: On the Contrary… Mark Cornelius When examining a situation, what appears to be false at first turns out to be reality when seen as it truly is.
Leaving Christ at the Altar: Honest Altar Calls Dustin Leimgruber Does your weekly life following the Sunday worship service leave Christ as the altar, awaiting your return?
Going Far Together: Doing Sermon Prep in Community Tim Culling Iron sharpens iron: Three pastors have found that their sermons are strengthened when they share perspectives during sermon prep time.