Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
A Healthy Perspective Can Mean Pastoral Longevity Always remain open and loving toward people, including those who hurt and have hurt you.
Keeping a Healthy Perspective There always will be an internal reckoning that no one can take away from you.
And Finally: Inexperienced (Canine) Driver Any parent knows its sometimes hard to keep up with little ones, but even puppies can take you on a wild ride.
The Politics of Preaching Shane Grant Does politics inform your preaching, and does preaching inform your politics? The two seem to be interdependent.
Humor: Observations on Life Have you ever noticed..? These are excellent questions asked by the observant.
Why Children’s Ministry Is Vital Attention and care toward children's ministry is vital to the well-being and longevity of your church.
And Finally: All Aboard! Measure twice, order once...and then you don't have to do repair work either.
You Know Life Is Hectic When Despite all our efforts to make life easier and work go faster, all we're doing is making ourselves go faster and depleting our energy reserves in the process.