Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Evangelistic vs. Outreach Services What purposes are our worship services recognizing and fulfilling?
Here I Am: Teach Me to Pray Mark Cornelius Praying well involves introspection and listening for the Lord more than presenting petitions to the Creator God who knows our needs.
And There Were No More Fire Ants in that Day Michael A. Milton Remembering Easter Sunrise Service in the Cemetery
The Pastor as Person Todd Outcalt Preaching and pastoring can be a lonely profession unless one's congregation is able to see the church leader as a real person.
Michael Hyatt on Changing Your Life with Two Words Known for his expertise in leadership and marketing, Michael Hyatt says you can change your life in two words.
Laws by Which to Live If you're looking for a new rule to govern your choices and actions, these modern-day proverbs will prove useful.
Challenges Pastors Face Pastors face unusual challenges--from within their families, congregations, as well as externally.
Preacher to Preachers: Preaching Fear? Leslie Holmes Does preaching stir a healthy fear within you? It should.