Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Mark Batterson on Calling Mark Batterson has lived the life of a pastor and preacher, and he offers some wisdom here.
Tim Tebow and Finishing Strong Tim Tebow uses his sports background to make a heavenly analogy for pastors at conference.
And Finally: College Snow Boulder Blunder A college prank leads to thousands of dollars in damage from a run-away, super-sized snowball.
Where Do You Struggle? Michael Duduit Everyone struggles in one area or another. Where is your weak spot?
And Finally: Create Your Own Snow Day The weather not to your liking? Post your own weather notice, but be prepared to pay the consequences.
Preaching Story as Story Humans are built to like and enjoy stories, so it makes sense that preaching should be done in the form of a story.
Failure Isn’t Failure…Depending on What You and God Do Next When you fail or fall, what's your next move? It all depends on your attitude.