Speaking at the recent GodBlogCon (a conference for Christians interested in the new media), Mark Roberts presented a message entitled “Taking Your Ministry to the New Media – The Pastor as Godblogger.” Mark presented 18 theses, including these:
~ Many pastors who are not bloggers today should become bloggers.
~ Blogging can enrich a pastor’s ministry with the pastor’s own congregation, and this is sufficient reason for a pastor to blog.
~ Blogging can expand a pastor’s ministry beyond the pastor’s own congregation, and this is a strong though not sufficient reason for a pastor to blog.
~ Blogging can allow pastors to address topics that otherwise could not be addressed in the ordinary means of pastoral communication.
~ Blogging can allow preaching to become more of a conversation and less of a one-way street.
~ Blogging can provide an excellent means for pastors to enhance the daily devotional lives of their congregations.
~ Blogging can help pastors get “out of the saltshaker and into the world.”
~ Pastors should exercise caution in their blog topics, making sure their blogging is first and foremost edifying their congregations.
~ Pastors should talk with their leadership board (elders, deacons, vestry, etc.) before beginning to blog (or ASAP).
~ Pastors should communicate clearly with their congregation the purpose of their blog.
~ Pastors (and all other Christian bloggers) should see their blog as God’s blog, and should see blogging as part of their calling and stewardship of gifts. (Click here to read the full posting at Roberts’ blog.)