In an article at PreachingToday, Bryan Loritts talks about how to deal with the issue of racial reconciliation in preaching. He writes:

“Preaching on race is necessary if we are to preach the whole counsel of God. As I’ve pleaded with young church planters who aspire to lead multi-ethnic ministries, race must never be the epicenter of your preaching. Instead, it is to be the gospel. I am not a sociologist. I am a preacher of the Word of God. What saves people isn’t becoming more racially inclusive or sensitive; it’s the cross of Christ.

“Preacher, whenever you become louder on matters of race than the gospel, you have just crafted an idol and have blunted the force and effectiveness of the cross. Preach Christ, but when we preach about the Great Reconciler we cannot help but talk about race from time to time.

“(During) the past 10 years of preaching at Fellowship Memphis, I have learned four lessons that have served me well when addressing the subject of race. One is that the preacher who dares to talk about race needs to be courageous. The wound of racism is incredibly sensitive and will incite deep emotions among everyone involved. People will resist and even leave. Feelings will be hurt no matter how gently you try to say things. Preaching is not a popularity contest, and you must go to war with your desire to be liked, affirmed and applauded.

“God’s Word to Joshua is a needed reminder to all preachers, and especially those who dare to talk about race: ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go’ (Josh.1:9).” (Click here to read the full article.)

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