All too many pastors and church leaders find themselves the victims of conflict in the church. In Handbook for Battered Leaders (IVP), Janis and Wesley Balda draw on the teaching of

All too many pastors and church leaders find themselves the victims of conflict in the church. In Handbook for Battered Leaders (IVP), Janis and Wesley Balda draw on the teaching of
Paul’s involvement with the church in Corinth is used as a case study, so knowing the historical context of 2 Corinthians is helpful. Most of the Scripture references are from that book.
The authors’ definition of leadership stresses the importance of relationships and community. Max DePree often is quoted, along with Peter Drucker, Eugene Peterson and Max Weber. Max DePree also emphasized listening as a leadership principle in his book Leadership Jazz.
The leadership principles given are applicable for those in business or full-time ministry.