Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory Larry Lindquist Do you find yourself initiating novel approaches to effective leadership?
Effective Generational Ministry Larry Lindquist Many of us tend to relate well to one age group better than all other ages, but what's the key to ministry to people of all age demographics?
The Emotionally Healthy Leader Larry Lindquist The third book from this author focuses on the leader's individual emotional health.
Made to Flourish: Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization Larry Lindquist This author maintains that we are made to thrive, not merely survive our lives on earth.
The Vulnerable Pastor: How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry Larry Lindquist As we all are becoming increasingly aware, it takes courage to present one's self as vulnerable, particularly in this day and are.
One Nation Under God: A Christian Hope for American Politics Some consider talk of politics and religion to be impolite, but others see the two as legitimate and compatible topics of discussion.
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God Are you intrigued by the neuroscience of designing and delivering sermons?
Ministry in the New Marriage Culture What are ministers to make of their roles in the changing marriage culture?
The Pastor’s Book This new resource contains a little bit of everything you need as a pastor.
Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel How do we reach people with the gospel truth in today's ideological culture?