The Reason for God Belief in an Age of Skepticism While faith pleases God, there's also a good bit of reason behind believing not only that He's real but also is active in the world for good.
Christ-Centered Preaching This classic strives to help you keep Christ in the middle of your message.
The Crucified King-Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology Christ our King took on the role of suffering Servant that we might have eternal life through Him.
George Whitefield-America’s Spiritual Founding Father Angela Bainter A new biography of George Whitefield is now available.
Creative Church Handbook Angela Bainter This is an excellent resource for beginning and promoting the arts within your ministry organization.
Thomas Oden’s A Change of Heart God promises to renew our hearts, that they may be upright within us.
Making Your Vision a Reality: Proven Steps to Develop and Implement Your Church Vision Plan How does one take a vision and make it a viable actuality in the life of the church?
The Church in Exile We've known since we could read Scripture, or perhaps before, that this world is not our home.