The Reason for God Belief in an Age of Skepticism While faith pleases God, there's also a good bit of reason behind believing not only that He's real but also is active in the world for good.
Christ-Centered Preaching This classic strives to help you keep Christ in the middle of your message.
George Whitefield-America’s Spiritual Founding Father Angela Bainter A new biography of George Whitefield is now available.
The Crucified King-Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology Christ our King took on the role of suffering Servant that we might have eternal life through Him.
Creative Church Handbook Angela Bainter This is an excellent resource for beginning and promoting the arts within your ministry organization.
Thomas Oden’s A Change of Heart God promises to renew our hearts, that they may be upright within us.
Making Your Vision a Reality: Proven Steps to Develop and Implement Your Church Vision Plan How does one take a vision and make it a viable actuality in the life of the church?
The Church in Exile We've known since we could read Scripture, or perhaps before, that this world is not our home.