Word Spirit Power: What Happens When You Seek All God Has to Offer Seeking God's best means seeking everything He has to offer us.
Spiritual Influence Spiritual leadership takes place in all realms of ministry--wherever two or more are gathered.
What Every Pastor Should Know Pastors and preachers should take certain information under consideration, especially when beginning his ministerial career.
What Not to Say Those who are called to preach are in the public eye and must gauge their words carefully.
Killing Jesus: The Unknown Conspiracy Behind the World’s Most Famouse Execution Jesus' death involves intricate detail, cover-ups, politics and the conspiring of individuals who only thought they were hiding a murder.
What Every Christian Ought to Know: Solid Grounding for a Growing Faith As Christians, of what should be be certain in terms of apologetics and growing our faith?
Grace: More than We Deserve, Greater than We Imagine Grace can be a difficult concept for Christians to understand, largely because we've interpreted it to be something that it's not.