Book Notes: From Narrative to Homily

Narratives make up a substantial part of the biblical canon, and they are among the texts with which many preachers struggle. Yet narrative is a genre which offers enormous preaching potential for connecting with listeners in today's culture.

Engaging the Culture, Changing the World

As an advocate of Christian higher education, I was delighted to see Philip W. Eaton's new book Engaging the Culture, Changing the World (IVP Academic), in which the author offers a vision for the Christian university in a postmodern world. Such institutions offer a tool for influencing the culture, and Eaton offers a bold way forward.

Transitions: Leading Churches Through Change

David Mosser's new volume Transitions: Leading Churches Through Change (Westminster John Knox) is a welcome addition to the homiletical literature. In the volume, Mosser has compiled the work of 31 preachers -- mostly mainline pastors and professors.

What They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary

Anyone who spent time in theological seminary knows that even with all the knowledge you gained the list of things you didn't learn is even longer. That's why What They Didn't Teach You in Seminary (Baker Books) by James Emery White is such a valuable resource for pastors and church leaders.

Church Planter

Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission (Crossway) by Darrin Patrick is an excellent survey of the theological foundations and the practical issues relating to church planting. Whether you are planning to plant or thinking of sponsoring a church plant, you'll find this to be a valuable resource.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

If you are looking for a summer reading book, try Eric Metaxas' biography Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Thomas Nelson). It is the well-written and engaging story of the German pastor-theologian who opposed Hilter and ultimately paid for that with his life. Among his writings were the influential book The Cost of Discipleship, and Bonhoeffer's own life was evidence of a man who knew the cost and followed Christ despite the cost. It is a fascinating story that will inspire the reader.


Church leaders who enjoy the history of theology will appreciate the new book Athanasius: Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality (Baker Academic) by Peter J. Leihart. This volume deals with the thought of the fourth-century church father, and brings the ancient theologian into dialogue with contemporary thinkers.

10 Things Jesus Never Said

Pastor Will Davis Jr. is author of 10 Things Jesus Never Said and Why You Should Stop Believing Them (Revell), which offers a great idea for a sermon series. He addresses commonly held misconceptions such as "You're Too Far Gone to Be Saved" and "You Missed My Will for Your Life."

The Living Church

John Stott is one of the most influential Christian leaders of recent generations, and his insights should be welcomed by pastors of any generation. His book The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor (IVP) is now available in paperback, and offers Stott's insights on the nature and mission of the church.