Steven Furtick is pastor of one of America's 10 fastest-growing churches and an emerging leader among young pastors. His first book is Sun Stand Still (Multnomah)...
Another reissued book is Telling the Truth (Zondervan), edited by D.A. Carson. Subtitled Evangelizing Postmoderns and based on papers presented at a conference, the collection includes outstanding insights from a strong team of thinkers.
In this revised and updated edition of his book Rediscovering Holiness (Regal), J.I. Packer reminds us of the necessity and character of holiness in the Christian life. This is an important but neglected topic in most churches, and the book may spark ideas of a sermon series on the issue.
In Images of Salvation in the New Testament (IVP), professor Brenda B. Colijn explores a variety of biblical images to see how New Testament writers expressed the truth and nature of salvation through Christ. This will be a helpful resource for preachers and teachers.
The most recent contribution to the subject will be Leland Ryken's The Legacy of the King James Bible: Celebrating 400 Years of the Most Influential English Translation (Crossway), which is due for publication this month (and is available for pre-orders).