Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today’s Moral Crisis

Philip Graham Ryken is the new President of Wheaton College and author of Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis (P&R Publishing). As the American moral code seems to be shifting into a set of guidelines focused on personal convenience and self-interest...

Everyone Communicates; Few Connect

The July-August issue of Preaching contains an interview with John Maxwell and an article adapted from his book Everyone Communicates; Few Connect (Thomas Nelson).

Planning Your Preaching

Summer is a good time to plan your preaching for the coming year. It's not a new title, but you'll find that Planning Your Preaching (Kregel) by Stephen Rummage is a great resource to provide information on the annual planning process.

What We Love About the Black Church

What We Love About the Black Church (Judson Press) is a celebration of the vitality and strengths of America's African-American churches. Written by two white authors -- William H. Crouch and Joel Gregory -- the book also includes contributions from an assortment of black church leaders, including Bryan Carter, A. Louis Patterson Jr., Ralph Douglas West and others.

Jesus Manifesto

Jesus Manifesto (Thomas Nelson), by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola, is a reminder that our faith is not about concepts, strategies and techniques but about Jesus. Reggie McNeal says, "This book is destined to be a classic devotional volume that will inspire generations of Jesus-followers."

Spiritual Warfare and Missions

In Spiritual Warfare and Missions (B&H Books), Jerry Rankin and Ed Stetzer argue that Satan's ongoing strategy is to convince Christians that the Great Commission is optional. The authors call on Christians to access the power of Christ and His resurrection to carry the gospel to the nations.

The Lost Commandment

In The Lost Commandment (Kregel), Dave Greber helps us understand that a key to discipleship is demonstrating Christ's presence in our lives by the way we love one another.

From the Heart of a Father

It's a little late for Fathers Day, but you'll still enjoy Jerry Drace's book From the Heart of a Father (Dove Inspirational Press). Drace (who has written for Preaching on several occasions) offers biblical counsel to fathers on topics ranging finances to sexual purity.

Stop Preaching and Start Communicating

Stop Preaching and Start Communicating goes well with the theme of the John Maxwell interview in this same issue, because it also addresses the reality that it is not enough to talk-we must find a way to speak so people listen.