The Gospel-Driven Life

In The Gospel-Driven Life (Baker), Michael Horton argues that Christianity doesn't work as a moral philosophy or code of ethics alone; rather, the key to our faith is the truth that God in Christ has done everything needed to reconcile sinners to Himself. Horton encourages Christians to rest in that promise as the foundation of their faith.

Baptism: Three Views

The New Testament commands baptism, but what does that entail? In the book Baptism: Three Views (IVP Academic), Sinclair Ferguson, Bruce Ware and Anthony N.S. Lane make the case for three approaches: infant baptism, believer's baptism, or a mixed approach.

Jesus Nation

In Jesus Nation (Tyndale), Joseph Stowell talks about the great adventure of being part of the Kingdom. Stowell offers helpful insights about the Christian life as he challenges believers to understand the implications of being a member of Jesus Nation. This easily could spark an interesting sermon series or study group in your church.

Growing with Purpose

Growing with Purpose (Zondervan) by Jon Walker is a wonderful one-year devotional guide that helps you connect with God's grace each day. Each devotion is brief (You can read most in a minute or two.) and biblically based. This is a good resource to use and share with others.

Understanding and Applying the Bible

Scripture is at the heart of the Christian life, and that means it is vital that we be able to read and understand God's Word. Understanding and Applying the Bible (Moody) by Robertson McQuilkin has been released in a revised and expanded version.

The Power of Words and the Wonder of God

As pastors and church leaders, we live and die with words. The Power of Words and the Wonder of God (Crossway), edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor, offers the insights of a team of contributors to help us understand how God reveals Himself to us through words. The book contains chapters by Piper, Mark Driscoll, Sinclair Ferguson and others, plus a conversation with the various contributors.

Heaven and the Afterlife

Speaking of theology, James Garlow's latest book is Heaven and the Afterlife (Bethany House), in which Pastor Garlow seeks to separate fact from fiction in the study of this important topic. The book would be a good launching point for a sermon series.

Bringing Theology to Life

One of the most valuable tools a church can provide to its members is a solid understanding of basic Christian theology. Bringing Theology to Life (IVP) by Darren C. Marks is not a full-scale systematic theology.

Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution Through Serving

As long as we are talking about the example of Jesus, pastor Dino Rizzo uses the servant model of Jesus to encourage churches to revolutionize their approach to ministry. Servolution (Zondervan) is subtitled Starting a Church Revolution Through Serving and is packed with powerful stories of how a church that serves can change lives by the thousands.

The Apologetics of Jesus

Norman Geisler is one of the most prolific and effective writers today on apologetics. He has joined forces with Patrick Zukeran to write The Apologetics of Jesus (Baker), which explores the apologetic methods and teachings of Jesus as detailed in scripture. Church leaders will find many helpful insights that can inform their own defense of the faith.