Horse Soldiers

It's not a book on ministry or faith, but Horse Soldiers is one of the most fascinating books you'll read.

Church Morph

Eddie Gibbs talks about the trends and tools found in churches that are countering the decline experienced by too many congregations.

Multi-Site Churches

One of the major trends in 21st-century church life is the multi-site church.

Kindling Desire for God

Kay L. Northcutt argues that preaching should be an act of spiritual direction, aiming at spiritual formation of the congregation.

Eyes Wide Open

Jud Wilhite encourages readers to understand how God sees them -- and how they should see themselves.

Satan and His Kingdom

An effective army needs to know its enemy, but what do we really know about Satan and how he operates?

The Preacher as Storyteller

The Preacher as Storyteller discusses the power of narrative in the pulpit and offers useful counsel for preachers in using story more effectively.

Exploring Ecclesiology

In a culture where individual expressions of faith are exalted and communal expressions are often neglected, it is important that evangelicals reclaim the doctrine of the church.