??Life Is Mostly Edges: A Memoir Even those who don't serve in ministry will enjoy his wonderful memoir for the sheer joy of the reading.
?Flowing Streams: Journeys of a Life Well Lived Stuart's story is a powerful reminder that God chooses His servants from the most unlikely settings.
?John A. Broadus: A Living Legacy John A. Broadus was, in many ways, the father of modern expository preaching.
A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology Based on his 2009 Gifford Lectures, McGrath's book is not light reading but will provide solid insights.
Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture In Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture the author offers a fascinating portrait of the life and development of American Pentecostalism during the first quarter of the 20th century.
Longing for God Foster and Beebe share with us the spiritual insights of classic writers of the past.
The Power of Vision The Power of Vision by George Barna is becoming a classic resource for pastors and leaders.
How to Argue Like Jesus Joe Carter and John Coleman describe the rhetorical strategies and methods used by Jesus.
The Pastor’s Wedding Planner Stan Toler offers a variety of resources for counseling, vows and messages.
Elements of Biblical Exegesis A key element of thinking theologically involves interpreting Scripture.