John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life This year is the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin, and that means a variety of new books on the Genevan reformer.
Belief Matters Pete Briscoe is an engaging preacher, and that shines through his new book, Belief Matters
Leadership Reconsidered: Becoming a Person of Influence Tucker argues that we have been misled by much of the leadership training and books offered in recent years.
Leading on Empty This is a valuable resource for pastors who often neglect their own spiritual, physical and emotional health while they are in the process of serving others.
Shaping the Claim McMickle offers helpful insights for preachers drawn from years of experience as a pastor and teacher of preachers.
Finally Alive Loads of Barna research tells us that born-again people in today's culture live lives that are little different than their secular brethren.
Sustainable Youth Ministry Mark DeVries offers helpful counsel in his book Sustainable Youth Ministry.
The Domino Effect As you think about plans for summer youth camps and events, take a look at The Domino Effect.
Living at the Crossroads If you believe it is important for believers to develop a Christian worldview, you will find Living at the Crossroads to be a useful resource.
Great Prayers of the Old Testament Another book that could easily launch an excellent series is Great Prayers of the Old Testament by Walter Brueggemann.