Prayers for the Faithful In many churches, the "forgotten people" are the missionaries who represent us on foreign fields, faithfully sharing Christ far from home.
Respectable Sins Recently I invited Preaching Now readers to suggest some of the best books they've read in the past year. Here are more of the responses.
The Starbucks Experience Recently I invited Preaching Now readers to suggest some of the best books they've read in the past year. Here are more of the responses.
Who Gets to Narrate the World? Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals The late Robert Webber provided us with many books that have influenced ministry in our own age.
We Preach Not Ourselves: Paul on Proclamation Michael P. Knowles offers a rich analysis of the apostle Paul's philosophy of preaching through a study of the early chapters of Second Corinthians.
The Surprising Work of God Those who enjoy church history will want to take a look at Garth M. Rosell's The Surprising Work of God.
Wrestling with God In Wrestling with God, James Emery White helps believers deal with their doubts and disappointments with God.
Preaching to a Post-Everything World Eswine has provided here a useful handbook to faithful biblical preaching in the challenging context of postmodernity.