Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary

Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary (Abingdon) by Gail R. O'Day and Charles Hackett is a useful guide to the history and use of a lectionary for preaching. (A lectionary is a multi-year cycle of biblical texts.)

The Stewardship Companion

Stewardship is a vital topic for pastoral preaching, and the need for fresh ideas and resources never ends. David N. Mosser has provided a service to pastors with his new The Stewardship Companion (Westminster John Knox).

The Living Church

John Stott is a Christian statesman known around the world, and out of a lifetime of faithful study and service he shares The Living Church (InterVarsity Press), expressing his own vision for the Body of Christ in today's world.

The Beautiful Fight

In The Beautiful Fight (Zondervan), Gary Thomas urges believers to realize that Jesus is more than a historical reality.

Almanac Facts and Frivolity

The Original Dr. Steve's Almanac of Christian Trivia (InterVarsity) is, according to the publisher, "A miscellany of oddities, instructional anecdotes, little-known facts and occasional frivolity."

The Nature of Atonement

The atonement has become a much-discussed topic among evangelicals, and InterVarsity has provided a resource to help church leaders evaluate various approaches.

Damascus Road Paved by Former Atheist

Given the recent attention garnered by the "new atheism" and its spokesmen, it was only a matter of time before a defector emerged from within the ranks. Antony Flew, a lifelong outspoken atheist and Oxford philosophy professor, recently published a book, There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, outlining his journey away from unbelief.

Scripture Release

Scripture Release is a topical memory system in song to help Christians find a deeper understanding of God's word.