Preaching the Old Testament, edited by Scott M. Gibson.
Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006. Softcover, 224 pages, $16.99.

Christian preachers continue to be more comfortable with the New Testament texts than those of the Old Testament, if the sermons we receive at Preaching magazine are any indication. Easily three-quarters of the sermons submitted are based on New Testament texts, even though most of the text of God’s Word is in the Old.

The contributors to Preaching the Old Testament offer us a valuable resource in better understanding and approaching those Old Testament texts for preaching. Edited by Scott Gibson, the Haddon Robinson Professor of Preaching and Ministry at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Preaching the Old Testament contains chapters on preaching from the historical books, narrative, law, prophets and proverbs, along with additional helpful essays on topics related to contemporary preaching of Old Testamentg texts.

Gibson (a former president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society) has assembled a remarkable team of contributors whose work will be helpful to any preacher. Among the contributors are Robert Coleman, David Larsen, Duane Garrett, Jeff Arthurs, and others. The foreword is by Haddon Robinson.

Preaching the Old Testament is an outstanding collection of insights for preaching from the two-thirds of Scripture that compose the Old Testament. This is a valuable resource that will be helpful to any preacher, whether a beginner or a veteran.

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