Bill Self is one of the original contributing editors of Preaching and a frequent speaker through the years at the National Conference on Preaching. He loves his fellow pastors and always speaks with a candid quality that reflects his own years of service and struggle in the local church. Now approaching retirement, this book is a treasury of the insights gained during a long and effective career of pastoral service and engaging preaching.

Self addresses many issues to which pastors will relate, from the call to ministry to dealing with conflict in a congregation; from pastoral burn-out to raising money. He has pastored four churches in a ministry spanning a half-century; in the process he survived 14 building programs and more than 1,200 deacons’ and finance committee meetings! He offers practical insights and honest reflection that draws on his own years of ministry in growing strong churches.

Perhaps his most valuable advice to his fellow pastors of any age is to recognize their own humanity and give up seeking to be the Superman of the parish. That’s advice that will help any pastor or church leader. So will this book.

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