Two annual resources
from Abingdon Press are now available in 2006 editions: The
Abingdon Preaching Annual 2006, edited by David N. Mosser, and The
Abingdon Worship Annual 2006, edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu.
The Preaching Annual has been revised from previous years – rather than
provide a single lectionary-based sermon brief (about 600 words) for each Sunday
of the year, the volume now includes two sermons (about 1000 words each), one
lectionary-based and one not. The annual continues to provide prayers, calendars
and other resources for sermon and worship-planning; there is also an accompanying
CD-ROM. The Worship Annual serves as a helpful supplement to the Preaching
Annual, with a variety of resources for each Sunday of the year, including
theme ideas, calls to worship, prayers and more.