While 15 percenet of American churches are growing, most of that is transfer growth between churches — swapping sheep. In fact, only 2 percent of churches in the United States are growing through evangelism. In The Sacrament of Evangelism (Moody), Jerry Root and Stan Guthrie offer insights for abiding more deeply in the presence of Christ in a way that will draw others to Him. As they observe: “The sacrament of evangelism doesn’t ‘do anything’ to God — it does something to us. It opens our eyes to His work and grace. Those unaware of the sacrament, however, miss the opportunity to experience participating with this omnipotent, omnipresent God as He woos others to Himself. It is not a question of whether God is at work in the world. It is a question of whether those who claim to follow Him will participate with Him in this sacrament.”