This week’s Preaching Podcast features an interview with Brad Waggoner, author of The Shape of Faith to Come (B&H Books), which draws on an extensive research study to create a profile of the discipleship and doctrinal beliefs of today’s churchgoers. It’s an unsettling picture but one every church leader should read.
The Shape of Faith to Come
What has all the preaching and teaching of recent years produced in the lives of believers? The Shape of Faith to Come (B&H) by Brad Waggoner presents the results of a major research study of active Protestant churchgoers, measuring their beliefs and actions against seven standards of spiritual formation: learning truth, obeying God and denying self, sharing faith, serving God and others, exercising biblical faith, building solid relationships and seeking God. It is an interesting–and unsettling–portrait of where the church stands today. It should drive you to your knees, then to your pulpit. (Watch soon for a Preaching podcast interview with author Brad Waggoner.)