In his book Sound Biblical Preaching, Franklin L. Kirksey writes, “Unquestionably, unction is a result of the preacher’s private life of devotion and prayer. This is what makes the preacher powerful in the pulpit. The sense of urgency is born out of a personal relationship with the living Lord. The note of unction and urgency will be missing from the delivery of the message if the preacher fails to be dedicated, devoted and prayerful.
“Without the active ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the preacher, there never will be the vital connection between the pulpit and the pew that is necessary to communicate God’s truth effectively. This ministry on behalf of the preacher is called the anointing, which has been defined as a special touch for a specific task. It is essential for preaching to genuinely affect lives…
“As preachers of God’s Holy Word, we must remember the words of George Atkins, ‘All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down!'” (Click here to learn more about the book Sound Biblical Preaching.)