edited by Quentin J. Schultze and Robert H. Woods Jr.
Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2008. Paper, 304 pp.
Pastors and preachers are in the communication business, and in today’s world that sphere is undergoing sweeping changes. This collection of essays covers a wide array of media-from TV to the Internet, from video games to theme parks-and surveys the ways those things are changing and impacting the culture, both inside and outside the church.
Those who lead congregations will want to give particular attention to the chapters dealing with the changes impacting worship through music and technology. You’ll also want to look at Schultze’s chapter on use of the Internet. (If you want to connect with your younger members-see the first review above-pastors should consider creating their own blogs as a way to speak directly to that audience. And don’t forget your Facebook page!)
This volume will help pastors better understand the changing nature of our communication efforts and can give you some ideas for better connecting with your own church and community.