When Jesus Calls You
Luke 5:1-11

I have had some interesting phone calls through
the years. Prank phone calls annoy me for two reasons: one, because
they are usually offensive and, two, because they wake me up in the
middle of the night. I receive at least one wrong number each week.
Telemarketers are too insistent. I got a call the other day from a
friend asking me to be a mediator in a family dispute. Answering the
phone can be like opening Pandora’s box.

While going about his daily routine, Simon Peter
received a call. But it was not from a telemarketer or a wrong
number. This call transformed his life. Jesus Christ was on the line,
or in this case, in the other end of the boat. Jesus’ call to Peter
changed his life.

What was it about Jesus that made such a change in
Peter? What was so compelling about the call of Jesus that Peter was
brought to his knees in a sinking boat?

After Peter became Jesus’ disciple, he was led to
distant lands and challenging experiences. What about you and me?
Does answering the call of Jesus mean that we will end up in a mud
hut in Africa or trekking across frozen tundra in Canada? It depends.
It depends on God’s sovereign plan for our lives. Not all disciples
are called to cross national boundaries. We are all called, however, to
follow Jesus. What happens when the call of Jesus comes to you and
me? In our text today, let us notice some realities about the call of

I. Jesus’ call eludes our logic. (vv. 4-5)

The call of God eludes human logic. When God
called Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, he protested that he
was not a good public speaker. He based his response on human
reasoning. Yet we all know that God used Moses in a mighty way.

Then there’s Jeremiah. When God called him to be a
prophet, he told God he was too young. Logic called for an older,
more experienced person. However, God knew what he was doing in
calling this sensitive young man.

In our text, Jesus told Simon Peter to launch out
into deep water to fish. Peter and his companions had fished all
night and caught nothing. It did not make sense to go back out and
fish again. We are often like Peter. When Jesus calls us, we reason
that it doesn’t make sense in the present situation.

II. Jesus’ call exceeds our expectations. (vv. 6-7)

Peter was astounded by the huge catch of fish. He
signalled for his partners in the other boat to come and help. As
they drew their nets on board, both boats began to sink under the
extra weight. What a difference obedience to the call of Jesus made!

It is the same for disciples today. Henry Blackaby
was pastor of a small church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Who would
have dreamed that obedience to the call of Jesus in that place would
touch the far corners of the earth? The experience in Saskatoon was
later recorded in the book Experiencing God which has been translated
into many languages and has sold several million copies. The call of
Jesus exceeds our expectations.

III. Jesus’ call exposes our sinfulness. (vv. 8-9)

Rather than attempting to bale water out of the
boat, Peter fell prostrate at the feet of Jesus. Why? Peter realized
he was in the presence of a holy, all-powerful being. Peter felt
small and sinful. He felt unworthy to be in the same boat with Jesus.

The call of Jesus exposes our sinfulness. When
confronted with the holy, all-powerful presence of Jesus, we sink to
our knees. Pride and self sufficiency flee at His voice.

IV. Jesus’ call elevates our priorities. (vv. 10-11)

This text states that Simon Peter and his
companions left everything and followed Jesus. Their priorities had
been elevated to a new level. Jesus had called them to a new
perspective with a new agenda.

Fishing as a vocation is neither morally nor
spiritually wrong. However, the call of Jesus elevates our
priorities. With Jesus, one’s vocation is viewed from a higher
perspective. We leave behind our former way of valuing things. We take
on Jesus’ priorities when we choose to follow him.

Is Jesus calling you? Is he asking you to launch
into deep water? His call may not make sense in your present
situation. But his call will exceed your expectations. The holy,
all-powerful presence of Jesus is here today. He calls you to a new
perspective with a new agenda. Will you take the call right now?

Sermon brief provided by Mike McGough, Director of Student Affairs and Professor of Preaching
& Pastoral Ministries, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary,
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada.

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