Preaching Magazine’s Survey of 2010’s Best Books for Preachers

Books have been a central furnishing for the life of the minister from the time of the New Testament until now. Nevertheless, the transformation of the book into its current most popular form as a printed work between two covers is a story unto itself. We are now witnessing a third major transformation of the printed text-away from absolute dependence upon the codex and toward alternative formats such as the e-book.

The Year’s Best: Our Annual Survey of the Past Year’s Best Books for Preachers

Anyone seriously concerned that the printed book will decline in popularity need only ask a preacher about that possibility. Even as preachers are making use of digital libraries and online tools for Bible study and digital books, the printed book remains the mainstay of the preacher's study. While any number of academic journals and other materials may find their way into a digital-only format, preachers (following the example of the Apostle Paul) instinctively will reach for the printed page.

The Annual Preaching Survey of the Year’s Best Books

Are we witnessing the end of the book? That is the question being asked by educators, publishers, and booksellers as a recent report indicated American adolescents currently enrolled in high school and college programs are reading less. While educators debated the causes for this deficit in reading, some noted the competition now represented by digital technologies.

The Feminization of the Priesthood

The Church of England ordained more women than men in the past year, reporting a total of 423 ordinations last year, 213 women and 210 men. That statistical development might seem insignificant considering new female priests outnumbered new male priest by only three, but the significant fact is that women outnumbered men as new priests for the first time, and it won't be the last.