
There is an old fable from Aesop about a man who called his sons to his sick bed. "I am about to die," he said. "In my vineyard lies a treasure. Dig and you will find it." Not long after that, the man dies. The sons busily went to work digging in the vineyard. After they finished their repeated digging, they concluded there was no ...

Suggestions to honor the pastor

The month of October has come to be recognized as Clergy Appreciation Month in many circles. In a recent editorial for The Alabama Baptist, Bob Terry offered several suggestions for ways to honor and encourage the pastor.

The Secret of our Confidence

Real thanksgiving, biblical thanksgiving, according to this sermon, is greater and deeper than that feeling we get when everything is going our way. It is based not on our circumstances, but on God's sufficiency; not on our production, but on God's provision; not on our performance, but on God's providence.

Top Bible Verses Revealed

The most popular scriptures have been revealed after an internet survey of 37 million Bible references. The survey results rank every Bible verse by popularity and are published on the website.

Assumptions, Confusion

It was the first day of school. As the principal made his rounds, he heard a terrible commotion coming from one of the classrooms. He rushed in and spotted one boy, taller than the others, who seemed to be making the most noise...


One day the great Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo happened to overhear a group of people admiring his Pietà, a statue of Christ on His mother's knees after His death on the cross. One man attributed the work to another sculptor, much to the chagrin of Michelangelo, who took particular pride in the Pietà. Returning to the sculpture after dark that evening, Michelangelo carved his name on it so that no similar mistake would occur in the future...