Sacrifice of Christ

Leslie B. Flynn told a story that illustrates a great truth. An orphaned boy was living with his grandmother when their house caught fire. The grandmother, trying to get upstairs to rescue the boy, perished in the flames. The boy's cries for help were finally answered by a man who climbed an iron drainpipe and came back down with the boy hanging tightly to his neck...

Preaching Like Billy Graham (Or Maybe Not)

I have met Billy Graham twice. The first time was during my time in seminary, when Dr. Graham spoke at our chapel. So many people showed up that day that the seminary had to set up a remote video site in the music chapel. That's where I got stuck. In his sermon, Graham began by saying that he had ten points he wanted to cover. He got to only five before time ran out.

Sacred Marriage

Leadership magazine carried a short item sent in by Catherine Paxton that illustrates the importance of letting God be uppermost in the marital relationship.


Mike Duffy, writing in the Detroit Free Press, makes this observation: "For many people, blue Monday is merely the follow-up to blah Sunday." Although it might be difficult to pin down one specific reason for this strange phenomenon, Mr. Duffy does single out a possible cause...