
After Dunkirk, in the Second World War, there was a tendency on all hands to look for someone to blame for the disaster which had befallen the British forces, and there were many who wished to enter into bitter recriminations with those who had guided things in the past.

Promises Concerning Afflictions

An evangelist told the following story in one of his campaigns. He said, "I have a friend who during the depression lost a job, a fortune, a wife, and a home, but tenaciously held to his faith - the only thing he had left. One day he stopped to watch some men building a stone church. One

Progress of Church

Playing Church Anne Ortlund writes: When I was little we used to play church. We'd get the chairs into rows, fight over who'd be preacher, vigorously lead the hymn singing, and generally have a great carnal time. The aggressive kids naturally wanted to be up front, directing or preaching

Prodigal Son

A Chinese artist was commissioned to portray the parable of the prodigal son. So he chose that part of the story where the wayward boy returns home after having wasted his resources in reckless living. He depicted the father standing by the gate waiting for his son, who could be seen appr


I spent a fortune On a trampoline, A stationary bike And a rowing machine Complete with gadgets To read my pulse, And gadgets to prove My progress results, And others to show The miles I've charted - But they left off the gadget To get me started! The gadget that can get you starte


Before the United States pulled its troops out of Lebanon, Anthony Lewis wrote a column titled, "The Longer We Stay, The Harder It Will Be to Get Out." He was concerned about the "no turning back" pressure that seemed to grow daily as the U.S. watched the marines become more and more invo


A convention was called in 1787 in America to revise the Articles of Confederation. For weeks delegates reviewed ancient history and analyzed governments of modern Europe in search of insights. But nothing suited the circumstances of this infant nation. Finally, one of the distinguished g

The Cup

Edinburgh, Scotland has a new museum with objects depicting the land's long and varied history. There are ancient rock carvings and almost modern furniture as it might have been seen in a Glasgow tea room at the turn of the century. No object is more interesting than an ornamental drinking cup.

The Bible

As an illustration of "learned" scholars tampering with the Scriptures, I quote from a newspaper article: "An electronic computer figures that St. Paul is the author of only four of the 14 epistles attributed to him in the New Testament. Two researchers fed the computer a quarter of a million words of the Greek prose to reach this conclusion.