The Bible

Paul explicitly states that the sword of the Spirit is Scripture, the word of God. The Scottish pastor and writer Thomas Cuthrie said, "The Bible is an armory of heavenly weapons,

The Bible

Henry Ford is credited with saying, "Cut your own wood and you warm yourself twice." What he meant was that the man who chops his own firewood not only enjoys the heat form the logs burning in his fireplace, but he also gets physically warmed from the exercise involved in his labor.


Be grateful for automatic dishwashers. They make it possible to get out of the kitchen before the family comes in for their after-dinner snacks.


The smallest Indian reservation in North America belongs to the Mattaponi tribe in eastern Virginia. The reservation consists of only 125 acres.


Corrie Ten Boom in The Hiding Place relates an incident which taught her this principle. She and her sister, Betsy, had just been transferred to the worst German prison camp they had seen yet, Ravensbruck.


According to John MacArthur, some years ago, the Mayo Clinic stated that statistically 80 percent of their total case load were ill either in reality or artificially due directly to mental stress.


When H.M. Stanley went to Africa in 1871 to find and report on David Livingstone, he spent several months in the missionary's company, carefully observing the man and his work.