Evangelism, Witness

Years ago, a new Christian named Albert McMakin, 24, loaded his pickup truck with friends, taking them each night to an evangelistic campaign in his city. You may never have heard McMakin's name; but you've heard the name of one of his passengers, a young man who was converted that week - Billy Gra


In the Peanuts comic strip Sally says to Linus, "I think I would be a good evangelist." "Why?" asks Linus. Sally answers, "I convinced the boy who sits behind me at school that my religion is better than his." "How did you do that?" asks Linus. Sally answers, "I hit him over the h

Eternal Life

Sometimes when a person thinks someone else is behaving stupidly or frivolously that person says, "Get a life!" Air New Zealand picked up on the phrase and chose phone numbers for its Pacifica Vacations Packages that spell "Get-A-Life." New Zealand is certainly a grand place to visit, and


Charles Schwab was one of the few men before World War II who was paid a salary of one million dollars per year. Schwab, a steel executive, was once asked what it was that made him worth so much. He replied, "It's not that I know more about steel than anybody else. The greatest asset I possess is m

Easter, Resurrection

A father took his little boy to a pet shop to pick out a puppy for his birthday present. For half an hour he looked at the assortment in the window. "Decided which one you want?" asked his Daddy. "Yes," the little fellow replied, pointing to one which was enthusiastically wagging his tail

Duty, Service

When the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius destroyed the city [of Pompeii in A.D. 79], many people were buried in the ruins. Some took cover underground, and the place became their burial chamber. Those who chose a high hiding place were also unable to escape destruction. But a Roman sentinel was

Driving, Marriage, Directions

Driving to a new restaurant, a woman took several wrong turns. When she finally found the right road, she asked her husband, "Why didn't you tell me I was lost?" "I thought you knew where you were going," he replied. "You always know where you're going when I'm driving."

Result of Division

A Texas rancher bought 10 ranches and put them together to form one giant spread. His friend asked him the name of his new mega-ranch. He replied, "It's called The Circle Q, Rambling Brook, Double Bar, Broken Circle, Crooked Creek, Golden Horseshoe, Lazy B, Bent Arrow, Sleepy T, Triple O

Death, Birth

A hospital posted a notice in the nurses' mess saying: "Remember, the first five minutes of a human being's life are the most dangerous." Underneath, a nurse had written: "The last five are pretty risky, too."