New Birth

All thoroughbred race horses have the same birthday. No matter what day of the year they were born they are considered to have been born on January first. With regard to the new birth, all Christians share the same birthday. While you may or may not remember the day of your new birth, Fri

Poverty & Riches

Poverty in America. A free lesson on how to escape poverty. Economist Charles Murray author of the book Losing Ground, offers a formula on how to escape poverty in America. Here's his prescription: "The requirements for a male, black or white, are to go to free public school and to co


Chester Harding was painting Daniel Boone's portrait in 1820, when Boone was nearly 86 years old. Harding asked Boone if he had ever been lost during his travels. Boone replied, "No, I can't say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." Even Christians can be much like Daniel B

Accepting Realty

A dog chewed the tongue of a new, very expensive running shoe. The owner took the sneakers to a shoe repair shop, placed them on the counter and said, "My dog got hold of this. What do you recommend?" The repairman picked up the shoe, looked it over, placed it back down on the counter, and replied,

Lordship Of Christ

A.W. Tozer said, "To genuinely worship Jesus as Lord of all is immediately to challenge all false gods, and to pose a threat to their dark and dingy domains."  

Illustration: Life

Erma Bombeck once wrote about what she would do differently If I Had My Life to Live Over: "I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the "GOOD" living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted

Life And Eternity

A woman in Florida had a malignant tumor in the facial area. Her physician told her that the only available treatments would cause much pain and some disfigurement. The treatments did not offer a cure, but they would probably buy her more time. She listened and then said, 'No thanks, doctor, I'm not

Life Priorities

In a recent column in SBC Life (April 2003), Charles Lowery observed, "Life is like Monopoly. You may be pastoring First Church Boardwalk or you may be pastoring First Church Baltic. It doesn't really matter because in the end it all goes back in the box. The next generation will be getting out al


Baseball legend Casey Stengel once noted, "The secret of managing is to keep the guys who hate you away from the guys who are undecided."  

Medical Ethics

The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a statement showing endorsement of cloning and stem-cell research, even though both processes result in killing human embryos, according to a July 18 Agape Press news story. The report indicates that many doctors are alarmed and dismayed that the organ