Touched Lips!

He came into the pastor's office sheepishly and pulled up a chair. Placing his hands nervously on his knees, he said, "Pastor, I just can't bear to hear anyone else preach. Does that mean God is calling me into the ministry?" A similar soul said he looked up at the clouds

Sin & Temptation

According to the news, scientists came across an unusual sight in the Florida Everglades. A python that had swallowed an alligator was actually killed as the alligator struggled to escape the python's stomach. No doubt when the python ate the alligator, he thought he was fulfilling some kind

Self Image

In 1998, Marion Abbot, tongue in cheek, suggested creating more realistic Barbie dolls. Among her suggestions were: 1) Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens fashion frames in six wild colors (half-frames too!), neck chain and large-print editions of Vogue and Martha Stewa

January-February 2006, Vol 21, No 4

Cover Story: The year's Best Books for Preachers. Other articles also include Preaching Biographically: An Interview with Charles Swindoll, Preaching to Military Families, How Not to Guilt Your Listeners to Death by Greg Dutcher


We eat foods that do not nourish us. We drink beverages that do not quench our thirst. We wear clothing that does not protect us. They all symbolize the fact that we live without purpose. Life has no more meaning for many than it has for the hamster n his cage, turning his little wheel. God wants to


When Anwar Sadat, of Egypt, was assassinated, they provided a temporary burial place beside Egypt's Unknown Soldier. How interesting that Egypt's best-known soldier should be buried beside Egypt's Unknown Soldier! In the kingdom of God, there are many unknown soldiers. They march right besid


A store clerk in California named Bill Capell has just found out that he is the next Earl of Essex in England. Due to inheritance law and custom, he now has an honorary seat in the House of Lords. Too many Christians live their lives unaware that they are spiritual royalty. They are children


In a recent Dennis the Menace comic panel, Dennis is depicted at a picnic table with his parents. The table contains a picnic basket, a plate of fried chicken, cold drinks, a gelatin salad and the people wearing smiling faces. Dennis said to his parents, "I think this is gonna be one of my g

God Exisits

There is a wonderful story making the rounds about a man who went to the barbershop. While he was there he got into a theological discussion with his barber. The barber said, "I don't believe that God exists. You just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. If God exi

Jesus, The Light Of The World

When we are troubled we have God as our guide to light our steps. We never have to walk life alone. This Children's sermon reminds young ones that God stays ahead and leads us out of the darkness and into the sunlight of His love.