Lessons From Aviation

Learning to prepare sermons is like learning to fly an airplane. Both sciences require precise knowledge and sound judgment. The similarities between sermon preparation and flying are especially enlightening to preachers who travel using aviation as a means of transportation. Pilots and...

How To Run Well

Hebrews 12:1-3 "You can lose unwanted pounds. You can gain more muscle. You can feel fit and trim. You can look years younger. You can do it all in the next 30 days, without breaking a sweat, guaranteed. But you must act now. This is a limited-time offer. Have your credit card ready. Operators are...

Preaching Wisdom

A certain bumper sticker conveyed a similar sentiment with these words, "You are only young once, but you can be immature your whole life."1 In a word, what we sorely lack today is wisdom. What is...

Faith’s Bitter Foe

According to this sermon, Abraham has much to teach us concerning the life of faith. Despite the millennia that separate us, Abraham's successes and failures, of which there are an ample supply of both, offer surprisingly relevant insights into our struggle to live by faith. His life, much like ours, reflects an on-going battle with fear, faith's archenemy.

Communicating With Creativity

Last summer I got in touch with my feminine side and took a day trip with my wife, Lisa, to the world's largest flea market in a little town called Canton, Texas. That day, I watched in amazement as thousands of shopping fanatics, in triple degree Texas heat with perspiration dripping off ...

Walking With Christ

Romans 12:9-21 We live in a rapidly changing world. Technology changes by the minute. Children learn today in the 6th grade what was not taught until high school just a generation ago. But technology and education are not the only things which have changed. The world's view of ethics has changed...

Who Is Jesus?

Matthew 16:13-20 In today's world we are constantly faced with the peril of identity theft. We are cautioned about how quickly our personal information can be stolen and someone else can take on our identity, running up thousands of dollars in fraud. Our identity is important to us. Who we are can quickly be...

Getting In The Way Of A Blessing

Matthew 15:10-28 Do you remember when you were a child at Christmas? I remember one year I wanted a bike. I did not let up on my Dad. All I could think or talk about was that bike. And I was so excited when I got it. But it would not be until much later in life when I would understand what it meant to ask...