Preparing The Heart For Preaching

In Cambridge, England near the bus station stands Emmanuel College. Stone walls surround the college, but inside is a courtyard manicured like a golf course. In 1705 William Law entered that college. The fourth of eight children, William grew up in a Christian home, experienced death because...

March-April 2005 ~ Vol. 20, No. 5

Articles Include: "You Do? I Do! Preaching for Weddings" by David M. Mosser, "The Power of a Good Question: Evaluating the Sermon Before You Preach" by Chuck Sackett, "Evaluating the Sermon: Ten Elements to Consider After You Preach" by R. Clifford Jones

“Why Us? Why Me?”

Genesis 22:1-14 Most people will do anything for their children. For example, many adults put forth a tremendous effort for Vacation Bible School, youth mission trips, and Sunday school. Twenty years ago, I never imagined how many Beanie Babies or paint ball supplies I would purchase. Who could have...

Whoever Loves The Father

Matthew 10:24-39 This lesson from Matthew is a difficult word. Jesus has been instructing His disciples - the Twelve - and notes that there will be coming persecutions for these disciples who also have a mission to accomplish. Jesus also encourages them to have no fear. We will carefully examine the...

“Mission Control”

Matthew 9:35 - 10:1 Today's lesson follows Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) and Matthew's narration of a variety of Jesus' miracle healings. Here in Matthew, Jesus addresses the mission for disciples. There are two...

The Consequence Of Following Jesus

Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 "When God bids a man, He bids him 'come and die'." And Bonhoeffer did. He came; and he died. He recognized the hold of God over him as a disciple. There really is no other legitimate way to respond to God. We must recognize His hold over us. God's call comes with consequences...

Trusting God In The Midst Of A Mess

Genesis 6:9-22; 7:24; 8:14-19 The story of Noah is one of the best known of all the Bible stories. Even after the recent tsunami in the Indian Ocean, one little boy was overheard to comment on Noah and God's promise. Here we are in...

One, Yet Three

2 Corinthians 13:11-14 It's a new season in the Christian year. We call it Trinity Sunday. We enter into the "season of Trinity". It's that season in the life of the church when we turn to the mission of the church. It is fitting then, that we have a Sunday designated to God who gives the church its purpose....

James S. Stewart

Few smaller areas of the world have ever seen the prodigous renaissance in Biblical preaching that Scotland saw in the 18th and 19th centuries. With her divinity halls filled with converts from the Great Awakening and the Moody evangelistic crusades. Scotland saw the early dissipation of this...