Phillip Brooks: American Icon

Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) was born in Boston into an old Brahmin family. His parents had been Unitarian but became Episcopalian. Brooks, baptized a Unitarian, was educated at the Boston Latin School (where he later taught without success), Harvard University and the Virginia Theological Seminary i


It may look like a fortune to us, but to a beaver it is just building material. A few weeks ago the Associated Press circulated the story of the discovery of a beaver dam in Louisiana in which had been woven money from a stolen bag of currency. The bills, mixed in with sticks and brush, were sti


A teacher was trying to teach a group of college students how to deal with some "story problems" when she said, "If you had $23 in one pocket and $56 in the other pocket, what would you have?" One student said loudly, "I'd have somebody else's pants."


Everything Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the reverse of the Midas touch. God turns our gold into truth and comfort; into a voice proclaiming the good news; into a hand

Second Coming

When General Douglas MacArthur left the Philippines in the early part of World War II, he made a short speech: "I will return." Later on in the war, he came back to the Philippines in victory. Cameras recorded his wading ashore. He made another speech: "I have returned." The first speech would