
Paul Boller recalls an anecdote in the life of Lincoln. When Abe was a lawyer, he was handling a court case in the courtroom of Judge David Davis. Davis held up an unusually long bill that had been drawn up by an attorney who had a reputation for slothfulness and drew attention to it. Lincoln co


Recently in a small city in the mid-South a metaphysician who calls herself SAGE appeared at a local church. She considers herself to be a spiritual healer, intuitive counselor and axiatonal therapist. News releases said she would focus on how to dwell in a state of bliss as "love is all there i


In the book Significa, the authors tell of two men who decided to see the world backwards. It was 1930 when James B. Hargis and Charles Creighton drove their Ford roadster backwards from New York City to Los Angeles and back. They locked the car into reverse so no one could accuse them of cheati


In 25 of the 50 United States you can leave your estate to a person or to an institution but not to an animal. However, in half of the states you can leave your wealth in trust to a pet. You can also book a room in a no-kill shelter or a pet retirement home. For example, Pet Estates in Albany, N


At a zoo in Taipei in Taiwan, a 46-year old man jumped into a den of lions and cried out, "Jesus will save you." According to press reports, he also taunted the lions, "Come bite me." One lion decided to oblige him. Someone caught on video the scene of the lion ripping off the man's jacket, cla


In the mid 1800s, 50,000 slaves were sold each year at Zanzibar on the coast of Africa. A church now stands where the old slave market stood. The altar is where the whipping post stood. It must be moving to visit such a church. But any church reminds us that we were once slaves - slaves to sin

How to Catch Difficult People

Acts 17:22-31 Jesus called His followers to be fishers of men. As in any fishing, bait and presentation is everything. What would you think if a fishermen who hadn't caught anything all day told you he had been fishing with strawberries? You would probably say, "Well, duh? You can

Living the Worthwhile Life

Acts 7:54-60 A young English pianist gave his inaugural concert to a full house in a London hall. His music was brilliant, and when he finished, the crowd gave him a long standing ovation. Young and shy, he retreated backstage. The stage manager urged him to return for a bow and an encore, bu

The Church God Blesses

Acts 2:42-47 How did you form your concept of church? You probably formed your concept of church the same way I did. See if you can identify with this story. "Son! Wake up. It's Sunday morning, It's time for church." "I don't want to go to church.”

The Breach in the Great, Dark Wall

Luke 24:13-35 Jesus Christ came walking out of the tomb alive! What had been one way traffic - no return - has now been reversed. A breach has been effected into the hitherto unyielding wall of human mortality, and the living Christ again insinuates Himself into the lives and affairs of Hi