The Testings Of The Christian Life

James 1:2-4 James addresses himself to half a dozen basic issues of the Christian life. He discusses the Christian and his battles (1:2-16), the Christian and his Bible (1:17-27), the Christian and his brethren (2:1-13), the Christian and his beliefs (2:14-26), the Christian and...

Discouragement & Encouragement

I read of a minister who felt so depressed and defeated that he was ready to give in to discouragement. One morning as he sat dejectedly by the window, he looked outside and noticed a starling perched on the sill. The bird seemed to look steadily at him and chirp what sounded like "Give it up! Give it up!" in starling language. ...


Coach Lou Holtz of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame is quickly becoming legendary in his adherence to discipline. "When it comes to discipline here," Holtz says, "We ask three questions: Will it make him a better man? A better student? A better athlete? If the answer is yes, we make him do it. The next step is up to him. An...

Devout Mothers

A London editor submitted a list of people to Winston Churchill who had been Churchill's teachers. Churchill returned the list with this comment. "You have omitted to mention the greatest of my teachers - my mother."