Preparing The Preacher

Preparing for the preaching event involves personal spiritual preparation. The preacher prepares himself. He must be prepared spiritually by meeting certain prerequisites and by developing and maintaining disciplines. He strives for mental preparation, which involves a commitment to biblical...

September-October 2004 ~ Vol. 20, No. 2

Contents Include: "The Future of Expository Preaching" by Bryan Chapell, "Preaching in a Missionary Age" by Timothy Warren, "Confessions of a Sermon Thief" by Darryl Dash, "The Year's Best Software for Preachers: 2004 Edition" by Jonathan Kever, "Implementing Pers

Implementing Persuasive Preaching

Lamenting the loss of effective argumentation in preaching in 1963, Faris Whitesell observed that the trend in that direction began before 1911 (Whitesell, 1963, p. 63). In contrast to that, he advocated that "there is still a place for argument in preaching, especially when we think of...

Confessions Of A Sermon Thief

"We were recently notified that one of X's messages was reproduced on your website. While we are delighted that you use our material, I need to remind you that our sermons are copyright protected content and may not be distributed or...


The Alamo is under attack again. This time it is by termites. The news told the story of attempts to protect the ancient mission and fort. Monitoring systems have been installed underground. Traps filled with pieces of wood are to be monitored monthly. After the termites are detected poisoned bait will be placed in the traps. How ...


The book, Significa, tells of Sir Henry Morgan, the famous pirate, who once won a libel suit against a man who called him-of all things--a pirate. The man was John Esquemeling, one of Morgan's former crewmembers. In a book entitled, Buccaneers in America, he told of Morgan and his men killing, burning, raping and pillaging. ...


According to Paul Boller, people were fond of telling this anecdote about Woodrow Wilson. At the end of World War I, Wilson presented his "Fourteen Points" to make sure nothing like the Great War would happen again. Politicians did not like the point as much as Wilson did. They refused to support Wilson's vision. According to...


According to the Reuters news service, a Kenyan villager was scrubbed clean by his neighbors because he had not bathed in 10 years His neighbors resorted to the action because his odor sicken those around him. They first tied the man with a rope, bathed him and scoured him with sand for over four hours. The man has now...