The Kingdom of God is explosive in power and therefore when it is fully understood, and boldly declared, it will radically impact those who hear and respond.
Worship has become a topic of debate and conflict in today's church. In an effort to shed light on the issue in a helpful way, editors Paul Engle and Paul Basden have developed Exploring the Worship Spectrum (Zondervan), which surveys six popular worship styles...
A Primer for Pastors by Austin B. Tucker (Kregel) is a helpful survey for new and bi-vocational pastors covering a variety of issues, including preaching, pastoral care, dealing with conflict, and more. Tucker writes out of rich experience, offering practical guidance...
Only one thing will replace great preaching, and that is greater preaching. For many in the world today preaching has gone into eclipse. It needs to be restored. Jesus commands it, Paul commends it, the church requires it, and history proves it to be essential. We could...
Tony Evans' newest book - Can God Be Trusted in Our Trials? (Moody Press) - provides reassurance to Christians who are in the midst of difficult challenges. The brief (64 pages) volume is very pastoral in tone and offers a number of...
Millions of people have read the bestselling The Da Vinci Code, and not a few may have struggled with the questions raised by this fictional work that purports to be based on an historical foundation. Several recent releases seek to respond to Dan Brown's novel, and one...
Ken Hemphill, one of our authors in this issue, is also the author of Empowering Kingdom Growth: The Heartbeat of God, a new book published by Broadman & Holman. Hemphill is Southern Baptists' national strategist for the Empowering Kingdom Growth initiative...
One of the major trends among American churches is the increasing use of technology. Go into a church built in the last decade and you may or may not find a pulpit, but you will almost certainly find projection screens....
Luke 19:1-10
This summer I led a study group on prayer at church. Arriving early one night, I found myself alone in a quiet empty church. I walked over t a table that contained free literature and started thumbing through some of the material. I noticed one pamphlet concerning...
In 1995, Andy Stanley (son of Charles Stanley, pastor of Atlanta's First Baptist Church) met with a group of believers to cast a vision for a new church, "a safe environment where the unchurched can come and hear the life-changing truth that Jesus Christ cares for...